Pesanan Dari Hadith & Al-Quran : Kepada Orang Minum Khamar dan Menamakan Bukan Khamar : Daripada Abu Malik Al-Asy'ari r.a. bahawasanya mendengar Rasulallah s.a.w. bersabda "Sesungguhnya ada sebahagian dari umatku yang akan meminum khamar dan mereka menamakannya dengan nama lain. (Mereka minum) sambil dialunkan dengan muzik dan suara artis-artis. Allah s.w.t. akan menenggelamkan mereka ke dalam bumi (dengan gempa) dan Allah s.w.t. akan merubah mereka menjadi kera atau babi". Hadith Riwayat Ibnu Majah
Ribut taufan yang amat dasyat, diikuti pula dengan hujan yang amat lebat, ombak lautan melanda dengan ganas, ledakan gunung berapi Pacaya yang memuntahkan abunya adalah merupakan tentera - tentara Allah S.W.T yang menggoncang bumi Guatemala pada Ahad lepas. Kehidupan manusia di sana terus resah dan Bandar raya Guatemala lumpuh sama sekali ditenggelamkan oleh abu gunung berapi.
Petikan daripada The Associated Press reports that at least 115 people have perished in the aftermath of Pacific Tropical Storm Agatha, which inundated the nations of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador over the weekend. Guatemala is at the epicenter of woe, with at least 92 deaths, 54 people missing, and 59 injured, according to emergency officials. Some 112,000 people have been evacuated and more than 29,000 are living in temporary shelters. Mudslides have destroyed homes and buildings, and buried some victims within them. At least nine rivers have risen rapidly, and 13 bridges have collapsed, the nation's emergency services said. The torrential rains created the incredible sinkhole shown above. Resident in the area speculate that this situation been aggravated by a poor drainage system. Witnesses say a three story building was swallowed by the huge hole! Agatha was the 1st named storm of the Pacific Hurricane Season, which begins May 15. The Atlantic Hurricane Season is considered to begin on June 1st. No named storms have formed in the Atlantic yet, but the National Hurricane Center is predicting a very active year with an above normal storm count.
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1 ulasan:
berkemungkinan adalah tanah jerlus dari gerakan tanah dibawah dasar plat2...ia berlaku apabila ada gempa di tempat lain dan antara plat2 terpisah...maka berlaku mendapan yg dalam...
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